• Electronics & Tech Innovation: In the Electronics & Tech space, we specialize in designing and
manufacturing state-of-the-art products for IoT and Industrial Automation. Our comprehensive solutions
cover the entire spectrum, from initial product design to manufacturing, and include end-to-end cloud
services. By producing critical electronics components like networking patch panels and sensors, we play a
pivotal role in automating plants and process industries globally.
• Bakery Equipment & Fire Fighting Equipments : In the realm of Bakery Equipment, iThing Mechatronics
LLP takes pride in producing top-tier Spiral Mixers, Planetary Mixers, and High-Speed Slicers. Our
commitment to quality extends to the manufacturing of high-performance Fire Fighting Equipment tailored
for industrial applications.
• Innovation Approach: We are committed to continuous innovation, leveraging diligent research and
market analysis to identify opportunities for improvement. Our products are born from a synthesis of
conventional wisdom and modern technology, ensuring that they not only compete at a global benchmark
but also actively contribute to the vision of making India a global manufacturing powerhouse.
• In summary, iThing Mechatronics LLP is on a mission to shape the future of engineering, embodying the
spirit of innovation, and contributing to the global narrative of "Make in India for the World."
iThing Mechatronics LLP - A Multidisciplinary Engineering Company